Saturday, September 29, 2007

Poem, other stuff

She wasn't that bright She wasn't quite right But she looked like Princess Diana In the right phase of the moon She could light up a room And play the crowd like a piano But when her demons came 'round Her sunshine dropped down The tubes like the Mississippi River Paranoid schizophrenia My ex-girlfriemd Virginia I miss her tonight more than ever. Paul Craft This is the first in what I hope to be a long group of "poems"...little pieces that I wrote just because, never really intended to be songs. I havn't entered a blog a long time and the person who is helping me with this started fussing at me about "blogging' more so I'm going to "blog" if it kills me The next little thing, which I plan to do tomorrow, will be about the same lady. We were never meant to be as a couple but i hate to lose her from my list of acquaintances. I heard the final mix of Willie Nelson doing my song "Keep Me From Blowing Away". It's supposed to be on an album which is coming out in the early part of next year. It turned out much better than I ever dreamed it would. I expected it to be good. This is very, very, very good. 'Til next time, Paul I'm going to put the answers for my "pretty hard Elvis quiz' in the next blog. It was in #2. There hasn't been a whole lot of response on that. I thought it would be kinda fun for Elvis people to look at but it seems to be more "intimidating" than anything. PC